Donald Trump said TiVo is the best invention so far

The president of the United States has a special connection with the TiVo digital streaming box. Here is the whole thing about Trump’s TiVo connection.

How are you people are doing with your TiVo digital streaming box? Having TiVo on the side is one of the finest ways to stream all your favorite programs in an entertaining manner by rendering the range of different features, including personal photo viewing, downloading of content, search in advance, music offerings, and online basis scheduling. This is the reason the TiVo device has secured its place as one of the key devices for proper entertainment in almost all the households of the world. If you are a new starter of the device, you can head to TiVo Com Activate to activate your TiVo in a proper way.  

There is no doubt that the digital streaming box is the choices of many users out there, but there is a choice which is making headlines from the gallery of White House to all over the world regarding the President Donald Trump’s love affection towards the mighty TiVo device. Yes, you read it right, the seventy-year-old President of the United States of America is in the love mode with his TiVo. This is actually clear from the latest Trump profile on the brand new edition of Times Magazine, which reveals what the powerful ruler do in his spare hours.

Well, it will be not a surprise, as the leader utilize and spends his most of the time watching cable news. He just loves to stick to the TV screen and plotting all his programs for the next week. According to him, TiVo is one of the greatest inventions of all the time.

Before the era of 1999, it was a huge take to record the TV programs which required the hooking up to a VCR to an antenna or a cable box and then have to deal with all the out-of-date timers for setting up to recordings. And after the successful recording, you just get in that mood to watch your recorded program easily in the next week. But now with the fast forward technology, the streaming has now become way easier and entertaining, all thanks to the fine lineup of on-demand video service and streaming which has resulted in the DVR’s to stay out of the fashion and trend.

Despite such technological revolution and changes, Trump is actually in the list of one of those who still sticks to their older methods in order to record their favorite TV content. Apart from the Time article, TiVo has also earlier expressed his obsession towards the cable news with TiVo in the post of The Washington post profile.

Well, it’s actually not only the President who loves TiVo, the better half of President, Melania Trump also cited about the TiVo in a section that her taste quite differs from his husband in a People magazine’s interview.

Apart from all the love for TiVo, it actually seems like the company doesn’t love the way trump do. At the time of Trump’s campaign, the company tweeted on their official twitter account with the #DumpTrump tweet.

However after posting such tweet at the high election time and posting a video of Trump on the official YouTube channel while taking the name of the company in his speech in August 2015 sounds quite weird.

Well, this is all about the future talks, if you get any tech issue with your TiVo device then simply navigate to TiVo Com support for expert assistance and solutions.                   


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