These troubleshooting steps will fix TiVo sound issue

Being a user of TiVo, if you found that the issue of sound or audio is annoying your device continuously, then you need to check these simple troubleshooting steps.

As we all are aware of TiVo, you can watch your favorite digital content on this device; you can even relish the well-liked streaming service such as Netflix on it as well. But many users of TiVo are also struggling with various technical messes, and we have noticed most people are like they are not getting the good experience when they face the issue regarding sound and audio. If you’re one of them those who's scuffling with the same issue, then no need to worry, we have facile and precise troubleshooting steps for you. Well, if you’re unable to catch any sound or audio on your TiVo device, but able to catch the content on your device then no worry because we have some steps for you, try these steps and if you think, these steps show no positive result, then you’re free to make a ring on TiVo Customer Service number. Check these steps.

1. You need to check the power, mute, and volume controls.

First of all, you need to take glance at your connection is appropriate, your TiVo device is plugged accurately and your television and cable/satellite box as well. Check the volume isn’t on mute mode if it is then you need to turn it up.

2. Run your eyes to your cable connections.

You need to check the sound cables connection of your TiVo, Yellow cables should be in touch with video, the red and white cable indicates the cables of sound or audio. If you’re using an S-Video cable, then you still need to connect the cables carefully and accurately. If you need any TiVo Help, then you’re free to get in touch with professionals. You can make a direction between your TiVo and television, if still, you see no change, then try to make a connection of televisions to cable or satellite box, now you might see any change in your issue.

3. Start your TiVo again.

If you can catch the video content, then you need to select Messages & Setup by navigating to TiVo Central. Now make a selection of Restart and System Reset, and select Restart the DVR. Your TiVo will get off itself; then you need power it up again. Now if you are not able to see the video, the wait for a while and then plug it back.

4. Chec out your TV

You have to ensure that that TV’s SAP is not powered on. And your TV setup holds the accurate line input. You can take help of your manual of the TV; this will help you out to find these switches easily. For more help, we suggest you get help from TiVo experts.

5. Make a direct connection between your TiVo and television

You need to swipe away each and everything which resides between the connection of your TiVo and television, VCR’s also. Try to make a connection between your TiVo and your television. Well, this will tell that the main problem resides in your TiVo, television or in the TV signal. If you think the audio and the visible video content are not in the sync, then you need make a press on the Pause button and then start playing it again. If still, you see no change in your issue then we recommend you contact professionals or you can visit TiVo Com Support.


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